Lilies for Looper


Looper is a fearless little girl who loves to try new things and explore what life has to offer. To her, possibilities are limitless, and in this short adventure, she expands her sense of wonderment about the world.

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Looper is a fearless little girl who loves to try new things and explore what life has to offer. To her, possibilities are limitless, and in this short adventure, she expands her sense of wonderment about the world.

Six-year-old Looper and her parents head to a neighborhood fair after her team wins its softball game. There are many fascinating sights, including potters and weavers demonstrating their skills, clowns blowing balloons, and farmers selling tomatoes and basil.

But Looper’s passion is flowers, and she is drawn to a display of Stargazer lilies. Her courage kicks in, and after introducing herself to the flower seller, she immediately thrusts her face into the bouquet. Although the pollen covers her in gold dust, this experience is actually a happy accident, as it ends up revealing creative abilities she didn’t know she had.

This cheerful tale, intended for children ages four and up, teaches that mistakes sometimes turn out to be for the best. As Looper’s father explains to her, we should all remember to have a sense of wonderment. When we maintain the feelings of respect and awe at the amazing world around us, anything can happen.